Why Do Dalits Hate Hinduism?
The racial bias and Hindu caste
discrimination have been the most important factors that often led
Hindus to abandon the Hindu faith; especially the untouchables were the
first to abandon their religion and to embrace Islam. The incidents of
this kind took place in India always throughout the centuries. The sword
of Hindu caste system remained the biggest factor to convert the people
of lower caste to Islam, and still this phenomenon is continuing this
Recently, the Indian media has highlighted the news that more than 50 members of the Hindu Dalit community converted to Islam near Parliament House. They recited Kalimah of Islam and offered the daily obligatory prayer on the roadside at Jantar Mantar in Delhi. They had been holding sit-in at Jantar Mantar for over two years seeking justice for the atrocities allegedly unleashed on them by members of Hindu Jat community in Bhagana village of Hisar district in Haryana.
“We have been facing untouchability,
atrocity, boycott and gang-rape – at the root of all these problems is
the Hinduwadi system. While living in this system, no friend from
outside helps us saying it is our internal issue. We have thought that
if we have to save our future, if not present, then we will have to go
out of this system,” said Satish Kajla wearing a white Muslim skullcap.
He is one of the victims who converted to Islam today.
If you get justice tomorrow, will you remove this Muslim cap and go out of Islam?
“Never. Never. Even if we get justice we will not return to Hindu religion.” Kajla said.
Facing alleged persecution and boycott by upper caste Hindus in Hisar for over four years, they had hinted at converting to Islam. In a written statement, the victim families had said some of the victims have already converted to Islam in protest against the atrocities of upper caste Hindus.
Tyranny by Hindus against the Dalits
“Continuously facing untouchability, atrocities and injustice, 500 families of Bhagana (village) will convert in front of the Parliament House in New Delhi and will demand arrest of culprits and guilty officers and restoration to their homes,” Bhagana Sangharsh Samiti, a committee formed by the victim families to fight for justice, had said.
“Bhagana victims have been running from
pillar to post for justice for the last four years. Despite dozens of
protests, court arrests and continuous sit-in from Hisar to Jantar
Mantar, the Dalits have not got justice, security and respect. Saddened
with the atrocities of upper caste Hindus, some victims have converted
to Islam as a mark of protest.” said the Samiti.
According to the Samiti, Khap Panchayats had boycotted 250 Dalit families and forced them to flee the village. The upper Hindu caste illegally occupied 280 acres of land and stopped Dalits from using them. “When we went to lodge a complaint with the administration against the atrocities, the local police, under pressure from the upper-caste Jats, registered a case of sedition against the victims themselves and sent them to jail.” The Dalits were attacked and their minors were gang-raped, it said.
Bias by upper caste Hindus in Indian schools
“We had to leave our village as our life had become miserable; barbers were not cutting our hair, facing problems while travelling. Our kids were removed from schools, we were pushed out of temples, denied using pond, general stores. Khap panchayat warned that whoever maintains relations with us he will be slapped with a fine of Rs 1100,” said Virendra Singh Bagoria of Bhagana Sangharsh Samiti. Bagoria also converted to Islam today.
“We put our case before authorities; none heard us, met politicians, local political leaders but none cared for us. New government came both in Haryana and Centre and hoped they will hear us. Rather than resolving our issues, this government imposed cases on us while were protesting peacefully in Hisar.” said Bagoria.
“After we left village, the government said there is peace in the village. But in between, they have kidnapped and four minors raped by them. A person from backward community was gunned down in full public view. Two girls were also kidnapped and raped and they became pregnant. Even five days ago, a girl from backward class was forcibly lifted and married. Notwithstanding, the government says there is peace and communal harmony in the village,” he said.
“Hindu leaders do not consider us human; they do not want to give us justice. They don’t want to give us share in the resources and system of the country. Life was getting miserable and this has forced our heart to change faith; we cannot live in this Hindu system and we have embraced Islam,” said Bagoria.
Sanjay Bura, a youth from the Jat community, also changed his religion.
“I belong to the caste which unleashed atrocities on these Dalits. I stood in solidarity with them in their grief. I consider myself as a Dalit. I have seen their pain not only in Bhagana but other places also. I have also converted to Islam along with them,” said Bura.
Discrimination and Hindu caste system
“The Varna system in Hindu religion
allows untouchability and discrimination with men. I am against this
system. The new government is working on special agenda and capturing
constitutional institutions. They work according to the Manuwadi agenda
to suppress dalits and minorities,” he said.
“I support ideas of unity and equality. Islam is seen as a great example of quality in the world. I have faith in it,” Bura said.
Many sounded very grieved with the situation as no political parties are listening to them.
“Constitution is nothing but law only in book. There is only rule of strength. If your stick is powerful then you have all things. Otherwise you have nothing. I was definitely born as Hindu but I will not die as Hindu,” said a protester.
__________________Source: Taken from IndiaTomorrow.net with modifications.
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