By: Shahul Hameed
All religions speak of two levels of existence. One is that of this phenomenal world, which we recognize with the five senses of our body. The other is that of the transcendent world, where we are believed to exist as a spirit.
In this world, we have both the body and the spirit. The body is measurable or quantifiable, whereas the spirit is abstract and incommensurable. Only measurable entities can be subjected to scientific studies; and only those entities that are subject to some form of scientific scrutiny or observation by qualified persons can be “proved” (in the scientific sense) to exist.
The ‘Hereafter’ which belongs to the metaphysical world cannot be subjected to any scientific study, as the methods or tools of science are not suited to study non-material, spiritual, transcendental entities.
But when people speak of the “proof” for the existence of the Hereafter, they usually mean rational or logical proof; and such proofs can be presented for the existence of the Hereafter.
In fact, the Glorious Qur’an makes a very simple but effective appeal to our everyday experience to convince us of the existence of the Hereafter. He (Glory be to Him) says:
It is Allah Who sends forth the Winds, so that they raise up the clouds, and We drive them to a land that is dead, and revive the earth therewith after its death: even so [will be] the Resurrection! (Fatir 35:9)
As He (exalted be He) sends forth rain that revives dead earth, He will bring back to life the dead bones too. That is, if Allah can revive dead earth, He can revive dead bones too.
And note how rationally Almighty Allah in the Glorious Qur’an handles the question:
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Hereafter is a religious and logical reality
recognized by all the divine religions, including Islam. It represents
the absolute divine justice after the end of this world.
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