An Introduction to Surat Ibrahim (Abraham)
Name of the Surah
Surat Ibrahim (Abraham)
It was named after that title due the mention of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) in many verses such as what follows:
And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham said, “My Lord, make this city [Makkah] secure and keep me and my sons away from worshipping idols. (Ibrahim 14:35)
The general ambience of the surah derives from its title, namely Abraham, the father of all prophets who came after him. He was a blessed man, most grateful to God, most clement, tender-hearted, and devout. All the connotations of these attributes are felt throughout this surah, in its main issues, general approach, mode of expression as also in its rhythm.
Period of Revelation
Surat Ibrahim was revealed at the last stage of the Makkan period. Its subject matters, namely faith, revelation and the divine message, God’s Oneness, resurrection, reckoning and reward permeate Makkan surahs.
Theme of the Surah
This Surah is an admonition and a warning to the disbelievers who were rejecting the message of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and devising cunning schemes to defeat his mission.
Topics of the Surah
1- The surah discusses the unity of the divine message and God’s messengers, and their united stand, despite their different times and places, as one community against the state of ignorance.
2- The surah sheds some light on favors bestowed on mankind, the increase He grants to those who are grateful and the fact that most people remain ungrateful.
3- The surah defines the nature of the messengers sent by God, and the missions assigned to them. Nothing of the nature of God’s messengers or their qualities can be confused with God’s nature and attributes. Thus God’s oneness is shown in its full light, with no hint of similarity to anyone or anything.
4- The surah also speaks about the fulfillment of God’s promise to His messengers and to those who truly believe in them. This promise is fulfilled in this present life when they are given victory and power, and in the life to come with generous reward given to the believers and severe punishment to the unbelievers.
Sayyed Abu A`la Maududi’s Tafhim Al-Qur’an.
Sayyid Qutb’s Fi Zhilal Al-Qur’an.
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